• 智飞地图提供使用许可,您只可以按照条款中规定的方法使用本服务。
• 使用本服务,须遵守本服务之外的第三方提供的服务的规则以及费用等要求(包括但不限于您使用的移动网络供应商的服务及数据、SMS、MMS以及其他费用等,以及各第三方的服务规则等),您单独对该使用负责。
• 您同意智飞地图使用您的可识别的注册信息及关于您所在位置的信息(包括但不限于您的位置信息)。获取您所在位置信息目的是为了获取最佳的用户体验,本公司承诺不会将用户位置信息用于商业目的。保护用户注册信息是本公司的一项基本原则,本公司将会采取合理的措施保护用户的注册信息。除法律法规规定的情形外,未经用户许可本公司不会向第三方公开、透露用户注册信息。本公司对相关信息采用专业加密存储与传输方式,保障用户注册信息的安全。
1. 智飞地图服务概述。智飞地图是一款可加载自身所需空间数据并控制无人机飞行器、自主航线规划实现智能飞行的应用程序。智飞地图拥有直观简易的交互设计,只需轻点屏幕,就能实现全自动航点飞行拍摄、区域正射影像获取、三维影像获取等操作。通过使用智飞地图,可大幅提升国土、规建、农业、林业等多个行业领域任务的执行效率。
2. 适用范围。您必须至少年满18周岁才能使用包括智飞地图的本服务。在接受条款之前,您已向我们作出如下陈述和保证:(a)您已经至少年满18周岁;(b)您在之前没有被终止或者停止使用本服务;(c)您的注册和使用本服务的行为均符合所有法律、法规的规定。如果您是以法人或其他组织的名义使用本服务,则您须有权保证该法人或其他组织受条款的约束,并且您同意以该法人或其他组织的名义接受条款的约束。
3. 账号和注册。为了正常使用智飞地图的服务及功能,您必须注册一个智飞地图账号。在您注册智飞地图账号时,您需要向我们提供关于您的单位名称、电子邮箱或者联系电话。您陈述并保证,您向我们提供的信息均是准确的,并且您将及时更新信息以保证信息的准确性。在您注册时,您将获得一个密码。您对您的账号和密码的保密承担全部责任,并且您将承担使用您的智飞账号从事的一切活动的全部责任。
4. 使用智飞地图应用程序及服务
4.1 您的责任。通过使用智飞地图并同意条款,您保证您使用智飞地图并参与相关活动的行为符合适用法律法规的相关规定,并保证您不会将智飞地图用于非条款明确规定的情况。对于中国境内的用户,您同意遵守《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》、《中华人民共和国著作权法》、《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》、《计算机软件保护条例》、《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》、《信息网络传播权保护条例》和其法律、法规、规章与政策。成都山河空间信息技术有限公司保留审查、删除或者禁止访问违反了中国法律、法规、规章及政策的用户内容的权利。并且,成都山河空间信息技术有限公司欢迎用户举报任何违反法律、法规、规章及政策的用户内容。
4.2 使用条件。(a)使用人员须已获取驾驶无人机执照(b)飞行前需提前向所飞区域的当地空管局申报,获取批准后,方可飞行。(c)使用人员需了解国家颁布的与无人机相关的所有规定,并严格按照规定执行。
4.3 使用场所。我们本着对用户人身安全和财产安全负责的考虑,建议用户不在飞行环境较差的场所使用。因使用操作不当或飞行器产品质量问题造成的人或物品的损失,本公司不承担任何责任。
4.4 关于涉密数据的使用。若用户加载的数据是涉密数据,则禁止连接互联网使用。如若因联网而导致数据泄露,本公司不承担相应责任。
4.5 在线地图使用须知。智飞地图中的在线地图为高德地图提供的API服务。该服务由高德地图免费向公众开放使用,本公司承诺调用该接口不用于商业运营。若用户需使用该地图服务于商业应用,请单独与高德签订书面使用协议。
4.6 飞行安全的判断。用户在开展工作前,需利用无人机判断当前区域的安全飞行高度、无人机安全降落点等相关飞行安全因素,确保飞行区域绝对安全。如因用户未提前判断相关飞行安全因素而造成人或物品的损失,本公司不承担任何责任。
4.7 无人机低电量时的操作。当飞行器出现低电量警报时,手动飞行模式下建议立即操控飞行器返航;在自动飞行模式下,飞行器将继续执行任务直至电量低至25%时自动返航。因用户在低电量情况下的错误操作而导致安全事故的发生,本公司不承担任何责任。
5. 禁止的行为。通过使用本服务,您同意您将不会有以下行为:
5.1 未获取驾驶无人机执照和相关空域许可即进行飞行。
5.2 以违法的目的,或者以违法当地法律法规规章及政策的方式使用本服务。
5.3 诽谤、骚扰、滥用、威胁、跟踪或以其他方式侵犯他人的合法权利,如隐私权、公开权等。
5.4 操作者在饮酒、药物麻醉、头晕、乏力等身体状况或精神状态不佳的情况下操作。
5.5 将本产品用于任何不良或违法用途,如用于未经授权的侦查与调查、间谍、军事活动等。
5.6 擅自篡改智飞地图软件代码。
5.7 在高海拔地区、公共安全场所、人群上方、危险区域以及其他禁止飞行区域飞行。
5.8 在强干扰区域飞行,如磁场干扰区、无线电干扰区。
5.9 在气象环境恶劣的区域飞行,如大风、大雨、闪电等恶劣天气。
5.10 其他违反法律规定、侵害他人合法权益的损害行为。
6. 使用的终止。如果您违反了条款的任何规定,则本公司授予您的使用本服务的许可将会自动终止。如果本服务发生任何修改或者由于任何原因暂停或终止了您对本服务的访问或使用,本公司无需承担任何责任。您可以通过
7. 条款的修改。本公司保留根据本公司自己的判断随时对条款进行修改的权利,并且该修改仅对未来有效。修改后的条款将在公布之后生效。如果我们对条款进行了重大修改,我们将在这些修改生效之前尽力向您提供合理的通知。在您继续使用本服务时,您同意受更新、修订或者修改后的条款的约束。如果您不接受修改后条款的约束,您必须立即停止使用本服务。
8. 所有权、专有权利。本服务属于本公司所有并由本公司进行运营。本公司提供的视觉界面、图形、设计、汇编作品、信息、数据、计算机代码、产品、软件、各项服务和本服务的所有其他元素均受知识产权法和其他法律保护。本服务中包含的所有材料均是本公司或者本公司的第三方许可商的财产。除非经过本公司的明确授权,否则您不得使用材料。除条款中明确授予的权利外,本公司保留对材料的所有其他权利。
9. 第三方纠纷。本公司与供应商、服务提供商、广告业者无附属关系。您与供应商、服务提供商、广告业者或其他第三方(包括但不限于其他智飞地图用户)的纠纷为您与上述当事人之间的直接关系,您将不对本公司(及其关联方、分公司、董事、代理人、员工或其他代表人)提出任何因该纠纷所产生的包括损害赔偿在内的请求。
10. 管辖法律。条款受中华人民共和国法律管辖。您与本公司的任何纠纷或争议,任何一方都应提交至本公司住所地有管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。
11. 其他声明。本内容仅为您提供方便使用。本公司力争提供准确信息,但不对信息的准确性承担责任。本公司有权未经通知修改相关内容或产品信息。
12. 责任限制。就本网站、使用网站或因信赖网站内容而产生任何损失,包括直接、间接、特殊、附带、惩罚的损失,本公司及其关联方、分公司、董事、代理人、员工或其他代表人均不承担责任。
Thank you for your interest in CHIEFY(Personal Version) application provided by Chengdu SUNVO Information Technology Co., Ltd.(“SUNVO“,“We”) In order to ensure your safety and you can better use it, please read the following terms carefully before use. Once using this product, it shall be deemed as the acceptance of all contents of this statement.
We provide flying and camera stabilization systems and related platforms and products, including commercial and recreational unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for aerial photography and videography. In the process of using the product and the supporting APP, the user promises to be responsible for his/her own behavior and all consequences arising therefrom. The user promises to abide the terms and the relevant policies or guidelines that may be formulated by Chengdu SUNVO Information Technology Co., Ltd.
You acknowledge and agree that, as provided in further detail in these terms:
• The CHIEFY (Personal Version) App provides use license, and you may use the Service only as set forth in these Terms;
• The use of the Service may be subject to separate third-party terms of service and fees, including without limitation the terms of service and data, SMS, MMS, and other fees of your mobile network operator (the “Carrier”), which are your sole responsibility;
• You consent CHIEFY (Personal Version) to the collection and use of your personal data and information about your location(include without limitation of your location information); Getting your location information is for the best user experience。Protecting user registration information is a basic principle of our company, and we will take reasonable measures to protect the registration information of users. Except as provided by laws and regulations, we will not disclose user registration information to third-party without the user's permission. We use professional encrypted storage and transmission of relevant information to ensure the security of user registration information。
1. CHIEFY (PERSONAL VERSION) App and Service Overview.CHIEFY (Personal Version) is an application can load the space data and control drone aircraft, autonomous route planning for intelligent flight. CHIEFY (Personal Version) has an intuitive and simple interactive design, just tap the screen, you can achieve fully automatic waypoint flight shooting, area orthographic image acquisition, 3D model acquisition and other operations. By using CHIEFY (Personal Version), the efficiency of tasks in a number of industries, including land, construction, agriculture, and forestry, can be greatly improved.
2. Scope of Application.You must be at least 18 years of age to use the Service, including the CHIEFY App. By agreeing to these Terms, you represent and warrant to us that: (a) you are at least 18 years of age; (b) you have not previously been suspended or removed from the Service; and (c) your registration and your use of the Service is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. If you are using the Service on behalf of an entity, organization, or company, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind that organization to these Terms and you agree to be bound by these Terms on behalf of that organization.
3. Accounts and Registration.To access certain features of the Service available through the CHIEFY App, you must register for and sign in with a CHIEFY account. When you register for a CHIEFY account, you will be required to provide us with some information about yourself, such as your email address or other contact information. You represent and warrant that the information you provide to us is accurate and that you will keep it accurate and up-to-date at all times. When you register, you will be asked to provide a password. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your CHIEFY account and password, and you accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your CHIEFY account.
4. Using the CHIEFY(Personal Version) App and Service
4.1 Your Obligations。By using the CHIEFY(Personal Version) App and by entering into these Terms, you represent and warrant that your use of the CHIEFY(Personal Version)App complies and will comply with all applicable laws, statutes, and regulations, and you will not use the CHIEFY(Personal Version)App except as expressly permitted under these Terms. For users located in China, you agree to comply with the “People’s Republic of China on Guarding State Secrets Law,” “Copyright Law of People’s Republic of China,” “Regulations on Protection of Computer Information System Security People's Republic of China,” “Regulations on Computer Software Protection,” “Internet Electronic Bulletin Service Management Requirements,” “Information Network Transmission Right Protection Ordinance” and other applicable laws and regulations, the implementation approach. We reserve the right to review, remove, or disable access to user generated content, including photographs and videos (collectively, “User Content”) in violation of the applicable laws and regulations in China. We also welcome users to report any User Content that is in violation of the applicable laws and regulations.
4.2 Terms of use(a)you must have obtained a drone license(b)It is necessary to declare to the local air traffic control authority of the area in which you are flying in advance, and obtain approval before you can fly.(c)The user needs to be aware of all the regulations issued by the State in relation to the drone and to strictly follow the regulations.
4.3 Use places。We advise users not to use in places with poor flying environments, taking into account the safety and security of our users. We shall not be liable for the loss of persons or articles due to improper use or product quality problems in the aircraft.
4.4 About the use of confidential data。Internet use is prohibited if the data loaded by the user is confidential. If data leakage is caused by networking, we shall not be liable for the corresponding。
4.5 Online map guidelines。The online map in CHIEFY (Personal Version) provides an API service from The Gaode Map. The service is free to the public by Gaode Map and we promised not to use commercial operation。If the user needs to use the map for commercial applications, please enter into a written use agreement with Gaode separately。
4.6 Assessment of flight safety。 Before carrying out their work, users should use the drone to determine the safety flight altitude of the current area, the safe landing point of the drone and other relevant flight safety factors to ensure the absolute safety of the flight area。We shall not be liable for the loss of persons or articles due to the user's failure to determine the relevant flight safety factors in advance。
4.7 Operation when the drone is in low power。When a low-power alarm occurs, manual flight mode recommends immediate operation of the aircraft's return, and in automatic flight mode, the aircraft will continue to perform missions until it is as low as 25% of the power.
5. Prohibited behavior.By using the Service, you agree that you will not:
5.1 Without drone license and related airspace permission。
5.2 Use the Service for any illegal purpose or in violation。
5.3 Defamation, harassment, abuse, threats, stalking or otherwise infringing on the legal rights of others, such as privacy, publicity, etc.
5.4 The operator operates in the event of poor physical or mental condition, such as drinking alcohol, drug anesthesia, dizziness, fatigue, etc.
5.5 Use this product for any undesirable or illegal purpose, such as for unauthorized. investigation and investigation, espionage, military activities, etc.
5.6 Unauthorized tampering with the software code of CHIEFY (Personal Version).
5.7 Flying at high altitudes, public safety sites, above crowds, hazardous areas, and other prohibited areas
5.8 Flying in highly disruptive areas, such as magnetic field interference zones, radio interference zones。
5.9 Flying in areas with harsh weather conditions, such as high winds, heavy rain, lightning and other bad weather.
5.10 Violate the law and infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of others.
6. Termination of Use.If you violate any provision of these Terms, your permission from us to use the Service, including the CHIEF App, will terminate automatically. We will have no liability whatsoever on account of any change to the Service or any suspension or termination of your access to or use of the Service. You may terminate your CHIEFY account at any time by contacting customer service at dn.xie@sunvoinfo.com.
7. Modification of the Service.We also reserve the right to modify or discontinue the Service or features of the Service at any time, temporarily or permanently, with notice to you. When you continue to use the Service, you agree to be bound by the terms of the update, revision, or modification. If you do not accept the subject of the revised terms, you must immediately stop using the Service.
8. Ownership, proprietary rights.The Service is owned and operated by SUNVO. The visual interfaces, graphics, design, compilation, information, data, computer code (including source code or object code), products, software, services, and all other elements of the Service (“Materials”) provided by SUNVO are protected by intellectual property and other laws. All Materials contained in the Service are the property of SUNVO or our third-party licensors. Except as expressly authorized by SUNVO, you may not make use of the Materials. SUNVO reserves all rights to the Materials not granted expressly in these Terms.
9. Third-party disputes.We have no affiliation with suppliers, service providers or advertising operators。Your dispute with suppliers, service providers, advertisers or other third parties (including, but not limited to, other CHIEFY (Personal Version) users) is a direct relationship between you and the parties, and you will not be interested in the Company (and its related parties, affiliates, directors, agents, employees or other representatives) make any claim, including damages, arising out of the dispute.
10. Governing law.Terms are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China。Any dispute or dispute between you and SUNVO shall be settled by either party in a people's court with jurisdiction over the Company's domicile.
11. Other statements.This content is only convenient for you to use. We strive to provide accurate information, but is not responsible for the accuracy of the information. We reserve the right to modify relevant content or product information without notice。
12. Limitations of liability.SUNVO and its affiliates, branches, directors, agents, employees or other representatives shall not be liable for any loss arising from the Website, the Use of the Site or the Trust of the Content of the Website, including direct, indirect, special, incidental or punitive loss。